To the people of the internet

The following is a collection of bias thought, formulated over years of examining my surroundings.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

And words are futile devices (pt. 2)

As it turns out, my short story ends only a few lines after my last post left off.  Here's the remaining text:

"And that's why you're lying here?"
"On a concrete wall."
"At eleven-thirty at night."
"Because you feel like your friendships are all disintegrating and there's nothing you can do to stop it."
"Yes.  Well---no.  Not exactly.  It's like, I just realized that they all have the capacity to disintegrate, with little to no warning.  And that's what freaks me out.  Not knowing.  Well, that and the lack of a real, meaningful relationship with another human being."
She paused for a moment, presumably attempting to compare this man's problems with her own, and arrived at a conclusion.  Haltingly, she scooted down the concrete wall another foot and a half or two, then lay down so that their bodies made a line, separated by six inches of space between the point where his head ended and hers began.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm having an existential crisis."


...aaaand that's the end.  Comment if you like it.  Or if you don't, and if you don't please leave suggestions.